020 7871 5370 | adele@woodthorpecomms.com
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13 Aug

How to Prepare Your Garden for Going on Holiday

There is nothing quite like the fear of being left in charge of a friend or neighbours beloved garden plants when they go away so sometimes it is best to prepare for some garden self-sufficiency...

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27 May

Top 5 Do’s and Don’ts For Gardening This Autumn

Preparing your garden for a winter is essential. Award-winning garden designer and founder of Garden Club London, Tony Woods, shares his top 5 do’s and don’ts for your garden this autumn. 1. DO: EXAMINE YOUR...

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22 Apr

Top Tips On How To Create A Useable Outdoor Entertaining Space

Founder of Garden Club London, Tony Woods, gives you his top tips on how to create an outdoor entertaining space that opens out from a kitchen and/or dining room. Harmony and Balance When creating outdoor...